

Marikas story

As a child I used to practice yoga together with my mother, it was a sacred moment for me to be alone with her yet also alone with myself. One of those days she looked at me and said: Marika, now you are creating your own balance! The breathing exercises and different postures created a meeting with my inner self and suddenly I could feel the needs of my body.

For many years I have dreamt of sharing the wisdom of this beautiful balance. The benefits of yoga, pilates and Ayurveda works in many ways. Through challenging times in my life it has given me focus, in moments of stress it has given me stillness, through labour and childbirth it has given me strength. Perfect balance is about creating your own balance, in a way that suit you the best. You are your own master and through mindfulness and body awareness you can eliminate all of your obstacles.

Om shanti,


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